Welcome to Colgate's Portal

Faculty, Staff, and Students will find dashboards and links to help you manage your daily tasks.

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ITS Support
Need IT Assistance?
Call the Service Desk at (315) 228-7111
Request help: ITS Service Desk


Colgate's emergency notification system.

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Qualtrics is a robust survey tool that can be used for research, feedback, and informal information gathering. Data collected can be easily accessed to provide insights and analysis.

Sign in to Qualtrics

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Colgate University, 13 Oak Drive, Hamilton, NY, 13346 (315) 228-7000 ©Colgate University

Powered by uPortal 4.0.8, an open-source project by Jasig - uportalvm02.colgate.edu

uPortal is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 as approved by the Open Source Initiative (OSI), an OSI-certified ("open") and Gnu/FSF-recognized ("free") license.

Silk icon set 1.3 courtesy of Mark James.